GIAR: Technology, Patent, Innovative Start-Up
GIAR technology relates to the homonym Universal Turbine, the uniqueness of which consists in being able to efficiently extract energy from multiple renewable sources:
- Wave motion (OWC application – Oscillating Water Column);
- River, sea and tidal currents;
- Wind.
In 2013 the GIAR Patent was originally developed to address the particular challenges of wave motion in OWC systems, anyway – since it extracts energy from fluids (air and water) by exploiting their properties – it can also be applied for generating electrical energy from river, sea and tidal currents and from wind.
GIAR technology is protected by:
(i) National Patent for Industrial Innovation N. 0001413577 released on 30/01/2015, with title “Turbina Multipale con Nucleo Centrale a Sezione Poligonale”;
(ii) International Patent for Industrial Innovation N. PCT/EP2013/002653 released on 09/11/2016, with title “Multiblade Turbine with Polygonal Cross-Section Core”, it was validated in the 23 countries: Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.
During the period between the granting of the European Patent and nowadays, further studies have been carried out for the application of the GIAR Turbine in river, sea and tidal currents through using floating modules.
In 2019 tests in fluvial application were carried out by means of a 1:1 scale model for the performance Certification of the GIAR Turbine – drawn up by the Department of Physics of Camerino University – which confirmed the very high average mechanical Efficiency of the Invention: 94%.
Obtained following tests conducted in a fluvial environment at Pievebovigliana site by means of a 1:1 scale prototype, this Certification places the GIAR Patent at grade “TRL 7” of the Technology Readiness Levels scale defined by the standard ISO 16290:2013.
GIAR: Technical report (Gruppo Ingegneria Srl S.B.)
GIAR: Efficiency certification = 94% (University of Camerino)
GIAR: Patent
The Invention can be classified as a vertical axis turbine, free or ducted.
It is an aeraulic Reaction Turbine. It is able to efficiently convert renewable energies – coming from wave motion, from river, sea and tidal currents and from wind – into mechanical energy available at the axis of the device itself, that can be transformed into electrical energy for the widest uses.
The GIAR Turbine has the characteristic that the reversal of the fluid flow does not imply the reversal of the direction of rotation of the turbine’s blades, thus offering considerable advantages in practical applications.
When the fluid gets in contact with the blades of the turbine’s rotor, it transfers to them the most part of its kinetic and pressure energy, which is transformed into mechanical energy available directly at the axis of the turbine for further applications.
The GIAR Turbine presents a central rotating core with polygonal cross-section performing the function of dividing and orienting the fluid that flows through the turbine’s rotor, so that it increases the overall Efficiency. The surfaces of the central core, which can be flat, concave or convex, together with the blades form a reduced passage section for the fluid (Venturi tube like): during the crossing, the fluid converts the pressure energy that it still possesses into kinetic energy, and that is then recovered by the blades when the fluid leaves the body of the rotor.
Since the GIAR Turbine is symmetrical, it guarantees the same levels of Efficiency also when the direction of the fluid flow is reversed.
GIAR: Innovative Start-Up
GIAR Energy S.r.l. Benefit Company is an Innovative Start-Up born with the purpose of providing innovative products and services with high technological value in the energy sector, whilst generating a positive impact on society and the biosphere.
GIAR Energy S.r.l. Benefit Company is the exclusive licensee for the use of GIAR Patents in order to favor the enhancement and promotion of the subject matter of the Patents themselves.

Struttura della Turbina GIAR
GIAR Energy S.r.l. Benefit Company
Innovative Start-Up; Business Register Special Section REA N. MC-275955
Tax Code and VAT Number 02064820430; S.C. € 250.000,00 fully paid-up
Registered office: Borgo Conce n. 29, 62027 San Severino Marche (MC)
Operational Headquarters: Via E. Mattei n. 27, 62027 San Severino Marche (MC)
Representative Office: Via Pomezia n. 8, 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)